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Peak Sports And Spine Centre supports 4ASDkids
PEAK's underlying vision is to help people achieve experiences never thought possible, which is why we felt passionately about getting involved with 4 ASD Kids, a charity set up to help families fund the necessary but expensive interventions for their kids diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We hope by getting involved we can make a difference in these families lives so that they too can have experiences never thought possible.
Consequently, PEAK is excited to partner with 4ASDKids on the Maxing Out Challenge. The Maxing Out Challenge will be a documentary following 3 unlikely celebrities as they train for and complete an Ironman distance Triathlon (3.8km swim; 180km ride & 42.2km run) in Roth, Germany on the 1st of July. PEAK founder Matthew Stewart and Physiotherapist Blane Delbridge have decided to complete this journey with them to help raise awareness and funds for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder who need early intervention help.
Having never participated in triathlons before, it will push them physically and mentally with only 220 days to prepare for their first ever long-distance triathlon. At PEAK, we constantly push our athlete's to Dream Big and let go of restraints. We hope that this also helps to inspire others to do the same.

4 ASD Kids Charitable Trust
In 2009 we went public about our son Max’s battle with autism. It’s something that we considered very deeply but felt by telling our story we may be able to assist families with similar challenges. After the initial publicity we were so overwhelmed by the messages of support and assistance that we formed our charity, 4 ASD Kids. Our dream is to be able to change the lives of families with children battling with an Autism Spectrum Disorder by assisting them to access the early intervention treatment that we believe is critical to giving these kids the best chance at leading a normal life and reaching their full potential.
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